Source code for pylibftdi.driver

pylibftdi - python wrapper for libftdi

Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Ben Bass <>
See LICENSE file for details and (absence of) warranty



import os
import itertools
import functools

# be disciplined so pyflakes can check us...
from ctypes import (CDLL, byref, c_int, c_char_p, c_void_p, cast,
                    create_string_buffer, Structure, pointer, POINTER)
from ctypes.util import find_library

from pylibftdi._base import FtdiError

[docs]class ftdi_device_list(Structure): _fields_ = [('next', c_void_p), ('dev', c_void_p)]
[docs]class ftdi_version_info(Structure): _fields_ = [('major', c_int), ('minor', c_int), ('micro', c_int), ('version_str', c_char_p), ('snapshot_str', c_char_p)] # Note I gave up on attempts to use ftdi_new/ftdi_free (just using # ctx instead of byref(ctx) in first param of most ftdi_* functions) as # (at least for 64-bit) they only worked if argtypes was declared # (c_void_p for ctx), and that's too much like hard work to maintain. # So I've reverted to using create_string_buffer for memory management, # byref(ctx) to pass in the context instance, and ftdi_init() / # ftdi_deinit() pair to manage the driver resources. It's very nice # how layered the libftdi code is, with access to each layer. # These constants determine what type of flush operation to perform
FLUSH_BOTH = 1 FLUSH_INPUT = 2 FLUSH_OUTPUT = 3 # Device Modes BITMODE_RESET = 0x00 BITMODE_BITBANG = 0x01 # Opening / searching for a device uses this list of IDs to search # by default. These can be extended directly after import if required. FTDI_VENDOR_ID = 0x0403 USB_VID_LIST = [FTDI_VENDOR_ID] USB_PID_LIST = [0x6001, 0x6010, 0x6011, 0x6014] FTDI_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = -3
[docs]class Driver(object): """ This is where it all happens... We load the libftdi library, and use it. """ _instance = None _need_init = True # prefer libftdi1 if available. Windows uses 'lib' prefix. _dll_list = ('ftdi1', 'libftdi1', 'ftdi', 'libftdi') def __init__(self, libftdi_search=None): self._libftdi_path = self._find_libftdi(libftdi_search) self.fdll = CDLL(self._libftdi_path) # most args/return types are fine with the implicit # int/void* which ctypes uses, but some need setting here self.fdll.ftdi_get_error_string.restype = c_char_p self.fdll.ftdi_usb_get_strings.argtypes = ( c_void_p, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int) def _find_libftdi(self, libftdi_search=None): """ find the libftdi path, suitable for ctypes.CDLL() @param libftdi_search: string or sequence of strings use to force a particular version of libftdi to be used """ if libftdi_search is None: search_list = self._dll_list elif isinstance(libftdi_search, (str, bytes)): search_list = (libftdi_search,) else: search_list = libftdi_search ftdi_lib = None for dll in search_list: ftdi_lib = find_library(dll) if ftdi_lib is not None: break if ftdi_lib is None: raise FtdiError('libftdi library not found (search: {})'.format(search_list)) return ftdi_lib
[docs] def libftdi_version(self): """ return the version of the underlying library being used """ if hasattr(self.fdll, 'ftdi_get_library_version'): version = ftdi_version_info() self.fdll.ftdi_get_library_version(byref(version)) return (version.major, version.minor, version.micro, version.version_str, version.snapshot_str) else: # library versions <1.0 don't support this function... return (0, 0, 0, 'unknown - no ftdi_get_library_version()', 'unknown')
[docs] def list_devices(self): """ return a list of triples (manufacturer, description, serial#) for each attached device, e.g.: [('FTDI', 'UM232R USB <-> Serial', 'FTE4FFVQ'), ('FTDI', 'UM245R', 'FTE00P4L')] the serial number can be used to open specific devices """ # ftdi_usb_find_all sets dev_list_ptr to a linked list # (*next/*usb_device) of usb_devices, each of which can # be passed to ftdi_usb_get_strings() to get info about # them. # this will contain the device info to return devices = [] manuf = create_string_buffer(128) desc = create_string_buffer(128) serial = create_string_buffer(128) devlistptrtype = POINTER(ftdi_device_list) dev_list_ptr = devlistptrtype() # create context for doing the enumeration ctx = create_string_buffer(1024) if self.fdll.ftdi_init(byref(ctx)) != 0: msg = self.fdll.ftdi_get_error_string(byref(ctx)) raise FtdiError(msg) try: for usb_vid, usb_pid in itertools.product(USB_VID_LIST, USB_PID_LIST): res = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_find_all(byref(ctx), byref(dev_list_ptr), usb_vid, usb_pid) if res < 0: msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) raise FtdiError(msg) elif res > 0: # take a copy of the dev_list for subsequent list_free dev_list_base = pointer(dev_list_ptr.contents) # traverse the linked list... try: while dev_list_ptr: res = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_get_strings( byref(ctx),, manuf, 127, desc, 127, serial, 127) # don't error on failure to get all the data # error codes: -7: manuf, -8: desc, -9: serial if res < 0 and res not in (-7, -8, -9): msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) raise FtdiError(msg) devices.append((manuf.value, desc.value, serial.value)) # step to next in linked-list dev_list_ptr = cast(, devlistptrtype) finally: self.fdll.ftdi_list_free(dev_list_base) finally: self.fdll.ftdi_deinit(byref(ctx)) return devices
[docs]class Device(object): """ Represents a connection to a single FTDI device """ def __init__(self, device_id=None, mode="b", encoding="latin1", lazy_open=False, chunk_size=0, interface_select=None, **kwargs): """ Device([device_id[, mode, [OPTIONS ...]]) -> Device instance represents a single FTDI device accessible via the libftdi driver. Supports a basic file-like interface (open/close/read/write, context manager support). device_id - an optional serial number of the device to open. if omitted, this refers to the first device found, which is convenient if only one device is attached, but otherwise fairly useless. mode - either 'b' (binary) or 't' (text). This primarily affects Python 3 calls to read() and write(), which will accept/return unicode strings which will be encoded/decoded according to the given... encoding - the codec name to be used for text operations. lazy_open - if True, then the device will not be opened immediately - the user must perform an explicit open() call prior to other operations. chunk_size - if non-zero, split read and write operations into chunks of this size. With large or slow accesses, interruptions (i.e. KeyboardInterrupt) may not happen in a timely fashion. interface_select - select interface to use on multi-interface devices """ self._opened = False self.driver = Driver(**kwargs) self.fdll = self.driver.fdll # device_id is an optional serial number of the requested device. self.device_id = device_id # mode can be either 'b' for binary, or 't' for text. # if set to text, the values returned from read() will # be decoded using encoding before being returned as # strings; for binary the raw bytes will be returned. # This will only affect Python3. self.mode = mode # when giving a str to Device.write(), it is encoded. # default is latin1, because it provides # a one-to-one correspondence for code points 0-FF self.encoding = encoding # ftdi_usb_open_dev initialises the device baudrate # to 9600, which certainly seems to be a de-facto # standard for serial devices. self._baudrate = 9600 # defining softspace allows us to 'print' to this device self.softspace = 0 # chunk_size (if not 0) chunks the reads and writes # to allow interruption self.chunk_size = chunk_size # interface can be set for devices which have multiple interface # ports (e.g. FT4232, FT2232) self.interface_select = interface_select # lazy_open tells us not to open immediately. if not lazy_open: def __del__(self): "free the ftdi_context resource" if self._opened: self.close()
[docs] def open(self): """ open connection to a FTDI device """ if self._opened: return # create context for this device self.ctx = create_string_buffer(1024) res = self.fdll.ftdi_init(byref(self.ctx)) if res != 0: msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) del self.ctx raise FtdiError(msg) if self.interface_select is not None: res = self.fdll.ftdi_set_interface(byref(self.ctx), self.interface_select) if res != 0: msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) del self.ctx raise FtdiError(msg) # Try to open the device. If this fails, reset things to how # they were, but we can't use self.close as that assumes things # have already been setup. # FTDI vendor/product ids required here. for usb_vid, usb_pid in itertools.product(USB_VID_LIST, USB_PID_LIST): open_args = [byref(self.ctx), usb_vid, usb_pid] if self.device_id is None: res = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_open(*tuple(open_args)) else: # attempt to match device_id to serial number open_args.extend([0, c_char_p(self.device_id.encode('latin1'))]) res = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_open_desc(*tuple(open_args)) if res != 0: # swap last two parameters and try again # - attempt to match device_id to description open_args[-2], open_args[-1] = open_args[-1], open_args[-2] res = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_open_desc(*tuple(open_args)) if res != FTDI_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: # if we succeed (0) or get a specific error, don't continue # otherwise (-3) - look for another device break if res != 0: msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) # free the context self.fdll.ftdi_deinit(byref(self.ctx)) del self.ctx raise FtdiError(msg) # explicitly reset the device to serial mode in case # it had previously been used in bitbang mode # (some later driver versions might do this automatically) self.fdll.ftdi_set_bitmode(byref(self.ctx), 0, BITMODE_RESET) self._opened = True
[docs] def close(self): "close our connection, free resources" if self._opened: self.fdll.ftdi_usb_close(byref(self.ctx)) self.fdll.ftdi_deinit(byref(self.ctx)) del self.ctx self._opened = False
@property def baudrate(self): """ get or set the baudrate of the FTDI device. Re-read after setting to ensure baudrate was accepted by the driver. """ return self._baudrate @baudrate.setter
[docs] def baudrate(self, value): result = self.fdll.ftdi_set_baudrate(self.ctx, value) if result == 0: self._baudrate = value
def _read(self, length): """ actually do the low level reading returns a 'bytes' object """ buf = create_string_buffer(length) rlen = self.fdll.ftdi_read_data(byref(self.ctx), byref(buf), length) if rlen < 0: raise FtdiError(self.get_error_string()) byte_data = buf.raw[:rlen] return byte_data
[docs] def read(self, length): """ read(length) -> bytes/string of up to `length` bytes. read upto `length` bytes from the FTDI device :param length: maximum number of bytes to read :return: value read from device :rtype: bytes if self.mode is 'b', else decode with self.encoding """ if not self._opened: raise FtdiError("read() on closed Device") # read the data if self.chunk_size != 0: remaining = length byte_data_list = [] while remaining > 0: rx_bytes = self._read(min(remaining, self.chunk_size)) if not rx_bytes: break byte_data_list.append(rx_bytes) remaining -= len(rx_bytes) byte_data = b''.join(byte_data_list) else: byte_data = self._read(length) if self.mode == 'b': return byte_data else: # TODO: for some codecs, this may choke if we haven't read the # full required data. If this is the case we should probably trim # a byte at a time from the output until the decoding works, and # buffer the remainder for next time. return byte_data.decode(self.encoding)
def _write(self, byte_data): """ actually do the low level writing :param byte_data: data to be written :type byte_data: bytes :return: number of bytes written """ buf = create_string_buffer(byte_data) written = self.fdll.ftdi_write_data(byref(self.ctx), byref(buf), len(byte_data)) if written < 0: raise FtdiError(self.get_error_string()) return written
[docs] def write(self, data): """ write(data) -> count of bytes actually written write given `data` string to the FTDI device :param data: string to be written :type data: string or bytes :return: count of bytes written, which may be less than `len(data)` """ if not self._opened: raise FtdiError("write() on closed Device") try: byte_data = bytes(data) except TypeError: # this will happen if we are Python3 and data is a str. byte_data = data.encode(self.encoding) # actually write it if self.chunk_size != 0: remaining = len(byte_data) written = 0 while remaining > 0: start = written length = min(remaining, self.chunk_size) result = self._write(byte_data[start: start + length]) if result == 0: # don't continue to try writing forever if nothing # is actually being written break else: written += result remaining -= result else: written = self._write(byte_data) return written
[docs] def flush(self, flush_what=FLUSH_BOTH): """ Instruct the FTDI device to flush its FIFO buffers By default both the input and output buffers will be flushed, but the caller can selectively chose to only flush the input or output buffers using `flush_what`: FLUSH_BOTH - (default) FLUSH_INPUT - (just the rx buffer) FLUSH_OUTPUT - (just the tx buffer) """ if flush_what == FLUSH_BOTH: fn = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_purge_buffers elif flush_what == FLUSH_INPUT: fn = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_purge_rx_buffer elif flush_what == FLUSH_OUTPUT: fn = self.fdll.ftdi_usb_purge_tx_buffer else: raise ValueError("Invalid value passed to %s.flush()" % self.__class__.__name__) res = fn(byref(self.ctx)) if res != 0: msg = "%s (%d)" % (self.get_error_string(), res) raise FtdiError(msg)
[docs] def flush_input(self): """ flush the device input buffer """ self.flush(FLUSH_INPUT)
[docs] def flush_output(self): """ flush the device output buffer """ self.flush(FLUSH_OUTPUT)
[docs] def get_error_string(self): """ :return: error string from libftdi driver """ return self.fdll.ftdi_get_error_string(byref(self.ctx))
[docs] def ftdi_fn(self): """ this allows the vast majority of libftdi functions which are called with a pointer to a ftdi_context struct as the first parameter to be called here preventing the need to leak self.ctx into the user code (and import byref from ctypes): >>> with Device() as dev: ... # set 8 bit data, 2 stop bits, no parity ... dev.ftdi_fn.ftdi_set_line_property(8, 2, 0) ... """ # note this class is constructed on each call, so this # won't be particularly quick. It does ensure that the # fdll and ctx objects in the closure are up-to-date, though. class FtdiForwarder(object): def __getattr__(innerself, key): return functools.partial(getattr(self.fdll, key), byref(self.ctx)) return FtdiForwarder()
def __enter__(self): """ support for context manager. Note the device is opened and closed automatically when used in a with statement, and the device object itself is returned: >>> with Device(mode='t') as dev: ... dev.write('Hello World!') ... """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, tb): "support for context manager" self.close() # # following are various properties and functions to make # this emulate a file-object more closely. # @property
[docs] def closed(self): """ The Python file API defines a read-only 'closed' attribute """ return not self._opened
[docs] def readline(self, size=0): """ readline() for file-like compatibility. :param size: maximum amount of data to read looking for a line :return: a line of text, or size bytes if no line-ending found This only works for mode='t' on Python3 """ lsl = len(os.linesep) line_buffer = [] while True: next_char = if next_char == '' or (size > 0 and len(line_buffer) > size): break line_buffer.append(next_char) if (len(line_buffer) >= lsl and line_buffer[-lsl:] == list(os.linesep)): break return ''.join(line_buffer)
[docs] def readlines(self, sizehint=None): """ readlines() for file-like compatibility. """ lines = [] if sizehint is not None: string_blob = lines.extend(string_blob.split(os.linesep)) while True: line = self.readline() if not line: break lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def writelines(self, lines): """ writelines for file-like compatibility. """ for line in lines: self.write(line)
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while True: line = self.readline() if line: return line else: raise StopIteration next = __next__
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