Source code for pylibftdi.examples.lcd

Write a string (argv[1] if run from command line) to a HD44780
LCD module connected via a FTDI UM232R/245R module using pylibftdi

example usage:

# while true;
>   do python $( awk '{print $1}' /proc/loadavg);
>   sleep 5;
> done

Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Ben Bass <>
All rights reserved.

from pylibftdi import BitBangDevice, Bus

[docs] class LCD: """ The UM232R/245R is wired to the LCD as follows: DB0..3 to LCD D4..D7 (pin 14) DB6 to LCD 'RS' (pin 4) DB7 to LCD 'E' (pin 6) """ data = Bus(0, 4) rs = Bus(6) e = Bus(7)
[docs] def __init__(self, device): # The Bus descriptor assumes we have a 'device' # attribute which provides a port self.device = device
def _trigger(self): """generate a falling edge""" self.e = 1 self.e = 0
[docs] def init_four_bit(self): """ set the LCD's 4 bit mode, since we only have 8 data lines and need at least 2 to strobe data into the module and select between data and commands. """ = 0 = 3 for _ in range(3): self._trigger() = 2 self._trigger()
def _write_raw(self, rs, x): # rs determines whether this is a command # or a data byte. Write the data as two # nibbles. Ahhh... nibbles. QBasic anyone? = rs = x >> 4 self._trigger() = x & 0x0F self._trigger()
[docs] def write_cmd(self, x): self._write_raw(0, x)
[docs] def write_data(self, x): self._write_raw(1, x)
[docs] def display(string, device_id=None): """ Display the given string on an attached LCD an optional `device_id` can be given. """ with BitBangDevice(device_id) as bb: # These LCDs are quite slow - and the actual baudrate # is 16x this in bitbang mode... bb.baudrate = 60 lcd = LCD(bb) lcd.init_four_bit() # 001xxxxx - function set lcd.write_cmd(0x20) # 00000001 - clear display lcd.write_cmd(0x01) # 000001xx - entry mode set # bit 1: inc(1)/dec(0) # bit 0: shift display lcd.write_cmd(0x06) # 00001xxx - display config # bit 2: display on # bit 1: display cursor # bit 0: blinking cursor lcd.write_cmd(0x0C) for i in string: lcd.write_data(ord(i))
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: display(sys.argv[1]) else: print("Usage: %s 'display string'")