Source code for pylibftdi.examples.list_devices

Report connected FTDI devices. This may be useful in obtaining
serial numbers to use as the device_id parameter of the Device()
constructor to communicate with a specific device when more than
one is present.

example usage:

    $ python pylibftdi/examples/
    FTDI:UM232R USB <-> Serial:FTE4FFVQ

To open a device specifically to communicate with the second of
these devices, the following would be used:

    >>> from pylibftdi import Device
    >>> dev = Device(device_id="FTE4FFVQ")

Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Ben Bass <>
All rights reserved.

from pylibftdi import Driver

[docs] def get_ftdi_device_list(): """ return a list of lines, each a colon-separated vendor:product:serial summary of detected devices """ dev_list = [] for device in Driver().list_devices(): # device must always be this triple vendor, product, serial = device dev_list.append(f"{vendor}:{product}:{serial}") return dev_list
[docs] def main(): for device in get_ftdi_device_list(): print(device)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()