Source code for pylibftdi.examples.pin_read

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Display values on input pins of a BitBangDevice.

 * ANSI colours / display differences in bold

example - beep on pin 1 going high:
    $ pylibftdi/examples/ -n 0.01 -m 1 -k 1 && beep

Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Ben Bass <>
All rights reserved.

import itertools
import sys
import time

from pylibftdi import ALL_INPUTS, BitBangDevice

[docs] def get_value(): """ get the value of the pins """ if not getattr(get_value, "dev", None): = BitBangDevice(direction=ALL_INPUTS) dev = return dev.port
[docs] def display_value(value): """ display the given value """ sys.stdout.write("\b" * 32) for n in range(8): sys.stdout.write("1 " if value & (1 << (7 - n)) else "0 ") sys.stdout.write(" (%d/0x%02X)" % (value, value)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def display_loop(interval=1, count=0, match=None, mask=0xFF): """ display and compare the value :param interval: polling interval in seconds :param count: number of polls to do, or infinite if 0 :param match: value to look for to exit early :param mask: mask of read value before comparing to match :return: 'ok'. either a match was made or none was requested :rtype: bool """ if not count: count_iter = itertools.count() else: count_iter = range(count) try: for _ in count_iter: value = get_value() display_value(value) if match is not None and (value & mask == match): return True time.sleep(interval) return False except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: sys.stdout.write("\n") if match is not None: # we quit early while looking for a match return False else: # no match to do; no problem. return True
[docs] def main(args=None): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-n", "--interval", dest="interval", default=1, type=float, help="refresh interval, default 1 second", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--count", dest="count", default=0, type=int, help="number of cycles to run for (0 = no limit - the default)", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--match", dest="match", help="value to match against (e.g. 0x1F, 7, etc)" ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--mask", dest="mask", help="mask to match with (e.g. 0x07, 2, etc) - default 0xFF", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.interval < 0.001: parser.error("interval must be >= 0.001") if args.count < 0: parser.error("count must be >= 0") mask = match = None if args.mask: if not args.match: parser.error("Must specify --match with mask") try: mask = int(args.mask, 0) except ValueError: parser.error("Could not interpret given mask") else: mask = 0xFF if args.match: try: match = int(args.match, 0) except ValueError: parser.error("Could not interpret given mask") ok = display_loop(args.interval, args.count, match, mask) sys.exit(0 if ok else 1)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()